
Defending the UK Election from Cyber Attacks: Strategies and Best Practices


In an era where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, the integrity of electoral processes is increasingly at risk from cyber threats. This article delves into strategies and best practices for defending the forthcoming UK election on the 4th July 2024 from cyber attacks, highlighting the need for a comprehensive and multi-layered approach.

Cyber attacks targeting elections can range from direct attempts to compromise voting systems to sophisticated disinformation campaigns designed to undermine confidence in the results. As these threats become more complex and frequent, a robust, multi-layered cyber-security strategy is essential.

By examining common cyber threats, discussing effective defence mechanisms, and learning from historical case studies, we aim to provide a solid framework for securing electoral integrity. Whether you are a cyber-security professional, a government official, or an informed citizen, understanding these strategies is crucial for protecting the democratic process against cyber threats.

Historical Context

Understanding the historical context of cyber attacks on elections is crucial for developing effective defences. Over the past decade, numerous incidents worldwide have exposed vulnerabilities in electoral systems and the lengths to which adversaries will go to influence democratic processes.

Early Instances of Election Interference

Cyber attacks targeting elections are not a new phenomenon. An early instance, such as the 2011 cyber operation during the Taiwan election, demonstrated how state-sponsored actors could disrupt national infrastructure and compromise sensitive political information. According to the Taipei Times, the email accounts of senior politicians from the Taiwanese Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) were compromised by foreign hackers. The Deputy Director of the DPP’s Research Committee linked the attacks to the presidential and legislative elections scheduled for January 2012

The 2016 US Presidential Election

One of the most prominent examples of election interference occurred during the 2016 US Presidential Election. Cyber attackers, believed to be state-sponsored, engaged in activities ranging from hacking into political party servers to launching disinformation campaigns on social media. According to cyber-security firm Trend Micro, a foreign hacking group Pawn Storm released several months’ worth of data stolen from the US Democratic National Committee (DNC). The data was collected by a Gmail credential phishing campaign targeting political staff from both the Clinton and Obama campaigns. It was released in two sets: the first by Guccifer 2.0 and, and the second by WikiLeaks just before the Democrats' national convention

Lessons from the UK

The UK has also faced attempts at election interference. In 2017, reports surfaced about potential foreign interference in the Brexit referendum, highlighting the need for robust cyber-security measures to protect electoral integrity. Although there was no concrete evidence of direct hacking into voting systems, the influence of disinformation and social media manipulation raised concerns about the resilience of the UK's democratic processes.

Recent Developments

Recent years have seen an increase in both the sophistication and frequency of cyber attacks targeting elections. Advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning have enabled attackers to create more convincing phishing emails, deepfake videos, and automated bots that can spread disinformation at an unprecedented scale. The COVID-19 pandemic has further complicated the landscape, with more voters relying on digital systems for information and voting, thus expanding the attack surface.

Importance of Historical Context

By examining these historical examples, we can identify patterns and common tactics used by cyber attackers. This understanding is essential for developing proactive defense strategies and ensuring that the UK's electoral systems are resilient against both current and future threats. As we move forward, it is imperative to build on these lessons and continuously adapt our cyber-security measures to safeguard the democratic process.

Common Cyber Threats to Elections

Elections are complex events involving numerous interconnected systems and processes, making them prime targets for a variety of cyber threats. Understanding these threats is essential for developing effective defence strategies. Below are some of the most common and sophisticated cyber threats to elections:

Phishing and Spear-Phishing Attacks

  • Description: Phishing involves sending deceptive emails to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or installing malware. Spear-phishing is a more targeted form of phishing that customizes messages for specific individuals or organisations.
  • Impact: Successful phishing attacks can compromise voter databases, election officials' credentials, and other sensitive information, leading to unauthorised access to election systems, voter fraud, and disruption of the electoral process.
  • Increasing Sophistication: Attackers are increasingly using advanced social engineering techniques, making phishing attempts more convincing and harder to detect. The use of AI enhances the customization and believability of phishing emails, increasing the success rate of these attacks.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks

  • Description: DDoS attacks flood a network, server, or website with excessive traffic, rendering it unavailable to legitimate users.
  • Impact: DDoS attacks can disrupt election websites, preventing voters from accessing information, voter registration services, or reporting systems. This can cause confusion, delays, and potentially disenfranchise voters.
  • Operational Disruption: Downtime from DDoS attacks can have significant implications, especially if critical services are disrupted during peak election periods.


  • Description: Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts a victim's data and demands a ransom for the decryption key.
  • Impact: A ransomware attack on election infrastructure can disrupt voting systems, voter registration databases, and reporting systems, potentially delaying or compromising the integrity of the election.
  • Evolution of Tactics: Modern ransomware attacks involve not just data encryption but also data theft, where attackers threaten to release stolen data unless the ransom is paid, adding an extra layer of coercion.

Supply Chain Attacks

  • Description: Supply chain attacks target less secure elements within the supply chain of election technology providers to infiltrate more secure systems.
  • Impact: Compromising a single vendor can lead to widespread breaches across all clients using that vendor's services, including election systems. This can result in manipulated software, hardware, or data used in the election process.
  • Interconnectivity Risks: As election systems increasingly integrate with third-party services for efficiency and innovation, they inadvertently expand their attack surface.

Insider Threats

  • Description: Insider threats involve individuals within an organisation who misuse their access to harm the organisation, either intentionally or unintentionally.
  • Impact: Election officials, staff, or contractors with access to sensitive systems and data can inadvertently or maliciously compromise election security. This can include tampering with voter data, disrupting operations, or leaking confidential information.
  • Access and Knowledge: Insiders have legitimate access and an understanding of the organisation’s cyber-security practices, making their actions potentially more damaging.

Disinformation and Misinformation Campaigns

  • Description: Disinformation involves deliberately spreading false information to deceive, while misinformation is the unintentional spread of false information.
  • Impact: Disinformation and misinformation campaigns can undermine public confidence in the electoral process, influence voter behaviour, and create confusion about election procedures and results. Social media platforms are often used to amplify these efforts.
  • Increasingly Convincing Scams: With more personal information publicly available, disinformation campaigns can be highly customized and convincing, increasing their impact.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

  • Description: APTs are prolonged and targeted cyber attacks where an intruder gains access to a network and remains undetected for an extended period.
  • Impact: APTs can be used to infiltrate and manipulate election systems, steal sensitive data, and conduct surveillance. The stealthy nature of APTs makes them particularly dangerous as they can operate unnoticed for long periods, causing significant damage.
  • Stealth and Longevity: APTs typically gain access through little-noticed vulnerabilities and maintain a presence in the network for months or even years, avoiding detection.

By recognising these common and sophisticated cyber threats, stakeholders can better prepare and implement robust security measures to protect the integrity of elections. The next section will delve into specific strategies and best practices for defending against these threats.

Strategies for Defending the UK Election

To protect the integrity and security of the UK election process, a multi-faceted approach is required, combining advanced technology, best practices, and comprehensive policies. Here are key strategies for defending the UK election from cyber threats:

Enhancing Cyber-security Infrastructure

  • Description:
  • Strengthen the cyber-security infrastructure of all election-related systems, including voter databases, voting machines, and reporting systems.
  • Actions:
  • Implement end-to-end encryption to secure data transmission.
    Ensure that all systems are regularly updated with the latest security patches.
    Use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to add an additional layer of security for accessing sensitive systems.

Conducting Regular Security Audits and Penetration Testing

  • Description:
  • Regularly audit and test the security of election systems to identify and remediate vulnerabilities.
  • Actions:
  • Perform comprehensive security audits and vulnerability assessments.
    Engage third-party experts to conduct penetration testing.
    Continuously monitor for any signs of intrusion or unusual activity.

Training and Awareness Programs

  • Description:
  • Educate election officials, staff, and volunteers on cyber-security best practices and the latest threats.
  • Actions:
  • Conduct regular training sessions on identifying phishing attempts, social engineering attacks, and proper data handling.
    Provide clear guidelines on reporting suspicious activities.
    Run simulation exercises to test the readiness of staff and systems.

Implementing Robust Incident Response Plans

  • Description:
  • Develop and regularly update incident response plans tailored to election-specific scenarios.
  • Create detailed response protocols for different types of cyber incidents.
    Establish clear communication channels for reporting and managing incidents.
    Coordinate with local and national cyber-security agencies for rapid response and recovery.

Securing the Supply Chain

  • Description:
  • Protect the election supply chain by ensuring that all vendors and third-party service providers adhere to strict security standards.
  • Actions:
    Require vendors to comply with cyber-security frameworks like ISO 27001 or NIST.
    Conduct regular audits and assessments of third-party vendors.

Implement contractual obligations for vendors to report any security breaches immediately.

  • Description:
  • Implement initiatives to educate the public on identifying and avoiding disinformation and misinformation related to elections.
  • Actions:
    Launch public awareness campaigns to inform voters about common disinformation tactics.
    Partner with social media platforms to quickly identify and remove false information.
    Provide official and transparent communication from election authorities.

Collaboration and Information Sharing

  • Description:
  • Foster collaboration between government agencies, private sector partners, and international allies to share threat intelligence and best practices.
  • Actions:
    Participate in cyber-security information-sharing forums and networks.
    Establish protocols for real-time threat intelligence sharing with relevant stakeholders.
    Collaborate with international partners to learn from global election security efforts.

Leveraging Advanced Technologies

  • Description:
  • Use cutting-edge technologies to enhance election security.
  • Actions:
    Deploy AI and machine learning algorithms for real-time threat detection and response.
    Utilize blockchain technology to secure and verify election data.
    Implement biometric verification systems to ensure voter identity.

Best Practices for Election Cyber-security

To effectively defend the UK election process from cyber threats, it is essential to adopt and implement a set of best practices. These practices, which encompass technology, process, and people, will help ensure the resilience and integrity of the electoral system.

Regular System Updates and Patching

  • Description:
  • Keep all election-related systems, software, and hardware up to date with the latest security patches.
  • Actions:
    Establish a schedule for regular updates and patching.
    Prioritize critical patches to address vulnerabilities that pose the highest risk.
    Use automated tools to manage and deploy patches efficiently.

Network Segmentation

  • Description:
  • Implement network segmentation to isolate critical election infrastructure from less secure parts of the network.
  • Actions:
    Create distinct network segments for different functions (e.g., voter registration, vote counting, public-facing websites).
    Use firewalls and access controls to limit communication between segments.
    Monitor traffic between segments to detect and block unauthorized access.

Strong Authentication and Access Controls

  • Description:
  • Enforce strong authentication mechanisms and strict access controls to protect sensitive systems and data.
  • Actions:
    Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all users accessing election systems.
    Use role-based access controls (RBAC) to ensure users only have access to the data and systems necessary for their role.
    Regularly review and update access permissions.

Data Encryption

  • Description:
  • Encrypt sensitive data both at rest and in transit to protect it from unauthorized access and tampering.
  • Actions:
    Use strong encryption protocols (e.g., AES-256) to secure stored data.
    Implement SSL/TLS for data transmitted over networks.
    Regularly audit encryption practices to ensure compliance with current standards.

Comprehensive Logging and Monitoring

  • Description:
  • Implement comprehensive logging and continuous monitoring to detect and respond to security incidents promptly.
  • Actions:
    Enable logging for all critical systems and applications.
    Use security information and event management (SIEM) tools to analyze logs and detect anomalies.
    Establish procedures for reviewing and responding to log alerts.

Incident Response and Recovery Planning

  • Description:
  • Develop and maintain a robust incident response and recovery plan tailored to election-specific scenarios.
  • Actions:
    Create detailed incident response playbooks for various types of cyber incidents.
    Conduct regular drills and tabletop exercises to test the plan.
    Ensure data backup and recovery procedures are in place and tested.

Voter Education and Outreach

  • Description:
  • Educate voters about cyber-security best practices and how to identify and report suspicious activities.
  • Actions:
    Launch public awareness campaigns about common election-related scams and threats.
    Provide clear instructions on how to verify official election communications.
    Encourage voters to report any suspicious activities or misinformation.

Collaboration with Cyber-security Experts

  • Description:
  • Collaborate with cyber-security experts, organizations, and government agencies to enhance election security.
  • Actions:
    Engage with cyber-security firms for assessments and advisory services.
    Participate in information-sharing initiatives with other election bodies.
    Leverage resources and support from national cyber-security agencies.

Secure Physical Access

  • Description:
  • Ensure physical security measures are in place to protect election infrastructure from tampering.
  • Actions:
    Use physical barriers, locks, and surveillance cameras to secure voting equipment and data centers.
    Implement strict access controls for personnel entering secure areas.
    Conduct regular physical security audits.

Transparency and Public Confidence

  • Description:
  • Maintain transparency in the election process to build public confidence in the security and integrity of the election.
  • Actions:
    Communicate regularly with the public about security measures and efforts to protect the election.
    Provide clear and timely information about any incidents and responses.
    Encourage independent audits and verifications of election results.

By implementing these best practices, the UK can strengthen its defenses against cyber threats and ensure the security, integrity, and transparency of its election process.

Guidance for High-Risk Individuals on Protecting Your Accounts and Devices

The UK NCSC has published guidance on protecting high-risk individuals.

What is a High-Risk Individual?

In a cyber-security context, you are considered a high-risk individual if your work or public status means you have access to, or influence over, sensitive information that could be of interest to nation-state actors. High-risk individuals include those working in political life (elected representatives, candidates, activists, staffers), academia, journalism, and the legal sector.

How and Why You May Be Targeted

There are different ways an attacker may gain access to your accounts or devices. Spear-phishing is one method that attackers have used in the past to compromise high-risk individuals. For more information of phishing attacks please read this article.

Using This Guidance

This guidance will help you improve the security of personal accounts and devices and keep you better protected online. Personal accounts and devices are the responsibility of the individual and may be considered an easy target for threat actors, as they may perceive them to have fewer security measures in place. As far as possible, you should continue to use corporately managed accounts and devices for your work, as they will be centrally managed and secured.

Protecting Your Accounts

Your personal accounts are a likely target for attackers. If an attacker gains access to one of your accounts, they may be able to access the information on them. Taking the actions below will significantly reduce the chance of a successful attack:

  • Use strong passwords.
  • Enable two-step verification on your accounts.
  • Review your social media use and settings.
  • Review your use of messaging apps.
  • Protecting Your Devices

As with your accounts, attackers may also try to compromise your devices – computers, phones, or tablets – to achieve their aims. If they manage to access them, they can steal sensitive or personal information, carry out monitoring, or even impersonate you.

There are several things you can do to secure your devices:

  • Install updates.
  • Use 'Lockdown Mode'.
  • Replace old devices.
  • Protect physical access.
  • Know how to erase data from devices.

What to Do If You Think You've Been Attacked

If you receive a suspicious email, do not click on any links or reply to the email until you're certain the sender is genuine. You should report it to your organisation's IT support, who will be able to offer advice, even if it has been sent to a personal account.

f you have clicked on a link or think you’ve been hacked, don’t panic, even if you think you have made a mistake. If something goes wrong on a device or account that your organization has provided, report it to IT support. The security team shouldn’t blame you for reporting that something has happened to you, as it helps them fix things and try to stop it happening again, to you or anyone else.

Individual Cyber Defence Services

To provide additional support to high-risk individuals, the UK NCSC is offering two opt-in services:

  • Account Registration: The NCSC Account Registration service is available to all election candidates, elected officials, and party leaders. Subscribers will receive incident notifications if the NCSC becomes aware of a cyber incident impacting a personal account. It also highlights additional security features from the industry that can further protect personal accounts.
  • Personal Internet Protection (PIP): The NCSC Personal Internet Protection (PIP) service adds an extra layer of security against spear-phishing, by protecting you from accessing known malicious domains on your personal devices. When you browse the internet or use mobile apps, PIP checks the domains you visit against a known malicious list. If the domain is on the block list, your device will show a warning. If your device is already infected with malware, PIP will block outgoing traffic to known malicious IP addresses and domains, to prevent you from accessing websites that host or link to malware and other cyber threats.

If you believe you are a high-risk individual, please contact Please provide your full name and a short business case.


Defending the UK election from cyber attacks requires a comprehensive, multi-layered approach that includes robust defenses, continuous monitoring, public education, and international collaboration.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so too do the threats posed by cyber attackers seeking to undermine the integrity of democratic elections. The case studies discussed highlight the variety of methods used by adversaries, from phishing attacks and data breaches to sophisticated disinformation campaigns. These examples underscore the critical need for robust cyber-security measures tailored specifically to the electoral process.

To defend the UK election from cyber attacks, a multi-faceted approach is essential. This involves not only leveraging advanced technological solutions, such as AI-driven threat detection and machine learning models, but also fostering a culture of cyber-security awareness among all stakeholders, including political parties, election officials, and the general public. Comprehensive training programs, regular security audits, and strong collaboration between government agencies, cyber-security firms, and social media platforms are key components in this defence strategy.

Best practices, such as implementing multi-factor authentication, establishing strict verification processes, and maintaining up-to-date security patches, can significantly reduce the risk of successful cyber attacks. Additionally, proactive measures like incident response planning and dynamic risk assessment help ensure that any breaches are quickly identified and mitigated, minimizing potential damage.

Ultimately, the integrity of the UK election system depends on continuous vigilance, innovation, and cooperation. By staying informed about the latest cyber threats and adopting a proactive stance towards cyber-security, the UK can safeguard its democratic processes and ensure that its elections remain free, fair, and secure.

By incorporating the NCSC’s guidance and recommended practices, the UK can further enhance the security and integrity of its election process, ensuring resilience against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.